Page name: Blood of the Olympians [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-08-06 23:26:24
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
# of watchers: 14
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Blood of the Olympians



In the beginning, Chronos wrapped the egg of life in his hands and cracked it open to give life to the sea, the sky, and the earth. From these gods came new gods, new titans, trickling down through the ages, taking aeons.

Zeus, self proclaimed king of the gods, overthrew his own father as Kronos had done before him to gain domain over all of Olympus, imprisoning him deep in Tartarus. But, unbeknownst to Zeus, he was only fulfilling a time-old fate, that the past shall give way to the future so that life may continue to thrive.

This same fate would no doubt come again, but Zeus, in his arrogance, took no heed. He was a fool.

It was known among mortal men that the gods would on occasion take an interest in one of them and come to share a bed. So many children were born of these unions, but the stories overlapped and soon far too many were claiming to be the son of a god, and fewer were remembering their heritage. It is through mankind's conceit that they saved many blessed bloodlines from being eradicated. For it had come to the attention of our gods that their progeny was to overthrow them, taking their thrones on high, and Zeus, as well as many of his family, would not stand for it. For decades the world suffered their wrath, born of fear.

A thousand years has passed since the terror of the gods. Faith in them has long since been lost, leaving nothing but infrequent stories, but blood has a way of persevering as it did with Zeus, and his father before him. Fate can not be changed.

And so in the modern era were reborn the souls, destined for greatness that far exceeded that of any human before them.


BotO Athens Harbor
BotO Characters
BotO Information
Olympian God List
Olympian Role Play- Old page!


Time of day

Friday - 5:00 p.m.
Beautiful day - still

Bulletin Board:

February 9, 2017
Due to everything that is going on in my life I have appointed [~Valkyrie~] Co-Gm to help me run things more smoothly. All questions, concerns, and new Characters will still be directed towards [Synirria]. [~Valkyrie~] will just be here to help me with whatever needs I see fit at the time and so I don't have a mental break down ;).

May 12, 2016


Username (or number or email):


2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Uh...I imagine she took a while inspecting the bench...but not necessarily enough for Risk and Lena to go and do all the stuff they've done so far. She's probably late in Adela/Archer time, like one o'clock or so.

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: So about what I said lol were missing Jace but he's unimportant at the moment I'm going to bring him in later.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Yep. XD

Jace? Unimportant? :/ Never! >:D

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: I just mean his time frame lol

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: ...Hroda's lonely. *blink, blink*

2016-04-17 [Synirria]: Where is he?

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Streets of Athens. XD In a little boxed-up area carrying his groceries.

2016-04-17 [Artsy]: Teos will join the cast tomorrow. I have a plan.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Artsy~ I was gonna ask you. XD

Since I'm relatively new, what exactly is the formula for Teos's arrival? :o Does something have to happen, or is it just BAM! there he is?

2016-04-17 [Artsy]: No. Teos is already aware of them. He had to wait for the stars to align basically so that they were all in one place, but he's coming to town. It's not like jesus returning or anything crazy like that. He's just... around, looking in on them and figuring out the best way to break the news.

2016-04-17 [Artsy]: Unless you were suggesting something?

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Ah...So Archer coming home and Lena stumbling into this place is the catalyst? XD

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: We still need a Hestia and Pan (and Hera if anyone wants it by Friday).

...And possibly an Eris? <.< >.>

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: Still trying to convince Celtore of the crazy stalker. So far, no dice.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Aw... :/

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: As a virgin, btw, I think Hestia could be involved without descendants, and as the goddess of the rightful way of home and family and all that, she might be more on Chronos' side than the others', or a neutral party at least.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Athena and Artemis are also virgins, though. :/

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: I'm not saying they ALL had to stay virgins. I'm just saying, it's an option for her.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: I just assumed they did what Hera did to birth Hephaestus. Y'know. Reproductive willpower or something.

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: And that would still leave Pan. :/ If we can't have Eris causing mischief, we /definitely/ need Pan!

2016-04-17 [Painted Autumn]: Pan's descendant should just be a buddy of Teos', coming along to help him round up the descendants. xD

2016-04-17 [ancienteye]: Someone would still need to play him. :o Or is he an NPC like Sophie?

2016-04-18 [~Valkyrie~]: Hey guys, I just heard from Celtore and She won't be in for a couple days. She's ok but she is in the hospital. She's having surgery tomorrow to remove a kidney stone and she assumes they will want to watch her over night.

2016-04-18 [ancienteye]: Ouch. Tell her I hope it all goes well and she feels better!

2016-04-19 [~Valkyrie~]: Will do

2016-04-19 [Mortified Penguin]: Tell her I said to eat at Bob's Diner.

2016-04-19 [Artsy]: Mort, please don't peddle your wares onto these poor, sweet, unsuspecting Elftowners.

2016-04-20 [Mortified Penguin]: They really should suspect it at this point.

2016-04-20 [Synirria]: I'm home. I'll be going through today and seeing what all I've missed.

2016-04-20 [ancienteye]: Welcome home. :)

2016-04-20 [~Valkyrie~]: Glad you're doing well

2016-04-20 [Synirria]: Thanks :-) did I miss anything?

2016-04-20 [ancienteye]: Er.......Risk and Lena are now eating with Sabastion and Emily?

2016-04-22 [ancienteye]: Hey, guys? My friend [Ms. Steel] has apparently been building a character for this RP for a while, and now she can't see any of the pages because of MP's dickery.

2016-04-22 [ancienteye]: Well...She's not just my friend. Valkyrie and Asdroth RP with her on XMRP too, so they can probs vouch for her, too. XD

2016-04-22 [~Valkyrie~]: I don't remember which character(s) she plays but she seems pretty solid.

2016-04-22 [ancienteye]: Kyle, Valerie, and that girl who multiplies whose name starts with E...

2016-04-22 [Synirria]: I've heard of her. I'm pretty sure she's on my friends list. Just tell her when she's ready to send over her character for me to look over.

2016-04-24 [Artsy]: Should I bring Haidee to the diner since Luke will be there? Lol

2016-04-24 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Lol if you like

2016-04-24 [Artsy]: We can pretend she's already there. I think that would be easiest. She can just be in a booth by herself, most likely out of the way.

2016-04-24 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Ok sounds good :)

2016-04-24 [ancienteye]: ...Tilly's done for today.

Hroda's in the street and I have no clue who would interact with Cash. XD

2016-05-12 [Artsy]: Gah, so close to day 2!!!

2016-05-12 [ancienteye]: So very, very close~!

*resumes excited hopping*

2016-05-12 [Painted Autumn]: We're just waiting on Adela and Archer right?

2016-05-12 [Asdroth]: Why have you not just jumped and tod me to suck it up? Lol.

2016-05-12 [Painted Autumn]: *jumps up and down while handing Asdroth a straw*

2016-05-12 [Synirria]: Your wife was supposed to tell you. My heads been hurting did she not relay my message?

2016-05-12 [~Valkyrie~]: I did, he's giving you a hard time.

2016-05-12 [Asdroth]: *taking the straw Asdroth is a bit confused*

2016-05-12 [Painted Autumn]: For the metaphorical sucking of the pronoun "it".

2016-05-12 [Asdroth]: Oh! *archer having a light bulb started chasing Autumn attempting to suck her through the straw*

2016-05-12 [Painted Autumn]: <img:44166_1164145147.gif> It! IT!!! The straw is for "it" not me! I'm not an it! *parkours away*

2016-05-12 [Synirria]: This is what happens when I sleep...

2016-05-13 [Synirria]: Since I don't know if anyone even looks at the bulletin, Rp date for May, Wednesday, end of school year for kids.

2016-05-13 [ancienteye]: Whoot!

2016-05-13 [ancienteye]: And no apologies necessary. :3

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: So...any suggestions for where Tilly or Cash should go?

Hroda's probably gonna walk into the Teos's office in a couple posts when it's not the middle of class anymore, whether or not Val's still there.

2016-05-14 [Synirria]: After Dorian down to the Marina Jace will leave one of them could bump into him for a while.

I also plan on making another character, not sure whether it'll be a descendant yet or not

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: If it's a descendant, the only opening is Hestia. :/

...Unless...*gasp* Are you finally letting an Eris happen? :D

2016-05-14 [Painted Autumn]: If we have an Eris it should either be a crazy stalker OR the original one trying to have the most fun torturing them to death and Teos has to fight her off until the others awaken. Secret battles- SECRET BATTLES EVERYWHERE!

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: Yes. Mwahahaha.

2016-05-14 [Artsy]: Eris: Ohhhh son of Chronos, you grew up nice-
Teos: You disgust me.

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: XD YES.

2016-05-14 [Synirria]: I'm adding to the list lol Because I have that power :P

2016-05-14 [ancienteye]: U̹̟̮̞̠L̳̹̖T̖̣̞͓I̯M͉͔̮͉̬A̮̖T͚͔̯͖ͅͅE͔͔̮ ̯͇͉̬͙ͅP͙̤̖̹O̫̺̙̜͈̩̫̻͖W͚̦͉̘̣̲ͅE̗̪̝̻̺̺R̗͚͔̘̯!͔̫͕̝̩̰̹̜

2016-05-14 [Artsy]: <img200*0:>

2016-05-14 [Synirria]: Lol<img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif>

2016-05-15 [Artsy]: It occurs to me how interesting Val and Haidee are, given they descend from a married couple that (apparently) had affairs, and now live lives more suited to the opposite half of the original couple. Haidee works with plants and Val is more comfortable with the dead.... apparently. Gothic... stuff...

2016-05-15 [ancienteye]: The powers fit with the appropriate lineage, though.

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: ...Do we still want Cash to invite Risk to his and Dorian's fishing trip?

2016-08-04 [Painted Autumn]: Is that what we said was happening?

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: Dorian didn't agree to it. XD I think you did, but Dorian has no clue. Cash is just being his usual unique mix of friendly and inconsiderate. :P

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: Also, thank you for adding the "Time of Day" thing, Celtore. :3

2016-08-04 [Painted Autumn]: D: You invited someone along without asking him??? Dorian's poor heart! Ah, well, the more the merrier I suppose.

2016-08-04 [Synirria]: <img:44166_1164144907.gif> Any time

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: That's exactly the point, Painted. XD Cash can be so inadvertently cruel~

So, is the plan still on, Black Cat? :3

2016-08-04 [ancienteye]: I think we said that Cash is going to meet with Risk in person some point in the afternoon... I might have to dig through some old comments to check, though.

2016-08-05 [ancienteye]: Hey, Black Cat? I can probably drop Hroda anywhere tomorrow, but I need a yea or nay to figure out what to do with Cash. :o You ok with him meeting Risk and inviting him fishing?

2016-08-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oh, yes, I apologize. Yes, that's still the plan. ^^" And remember, Cash and Risk are familiar with one another because Cash was Risk's divorce lawyer for at least one of his divorces.

2016-08-05 [ancienteye]: Yep. :P Where is Risk right now? I won't make Cash appear right away, but I want to at least keep an eye for an opening.

2016-08-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Right now, Risk is at BotO The Marina.

2016-08-05 [ancienteye]: Ok, thank you! :D

2016-08-17 [Kbird]: So where do we post if the rp page is old stuff?

2016-08-17 [ancienteye]: BotO Athens Harbor lists all the active pages. :3

2016-08-17 [Synirria]: Just make a < hr > and post below it so we know it's a different time

2016-08-17 [ancienteye]: She's talking about this, Celtore: Olympian Role Play- Old page!

The new RP pages are here, Kbird: BotO Athens Harbor

But aside from that, what Celtore said: if your character appears after others leave or is in a different area of the page, just do the hr thing. :P

2016-08-17 [Synirria]: Oh gotcha... yeah that's the old one

2016-08-17 [Kbird]: Okay thanks

2016-08-21 [Synirria]: Come on guys!!! We don't want this to just sit...

2016-08-26 [ancienteye]: My computer died. >_> I'm back, now.

2016-08-26 [Synirria]: Oh that sucks

2016-08-26 [ancienteye]: It's back, though. :P

2016-09-12 [Kbird]: Sorry I was gone longer than I thought I would be. I should be back now though.

2016-09-13 [Synirria]: Good deal :-)

2016-09-17 [Synirria]: I believe people can post on 2 or 3 pages.

2016-09-17 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: I'm waiting for Autumn to respond to my post at Jade's house... I think I'm waiting for Eyelash or Ms. Steel to respond to Risk at the marina...

2016-09-17 [Synirria]: Right. I know Autumn works a lot so that one I knew and I'm pretty sure it's Ms. Steels because she said she'd post later but never did

2016-09-17 [ancienteye]: Hroda's technically in the Streets...but I don't really know what to do with him.

2016-09-17 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Yeah I've already posted at the marina. Just need to post for Luke at his farm

2016-09-25 [Eyelash-Wishes]: If the time of day has changed should I do a timeskip or something at the farm? Luke and Haidee had just finished eating lunch.

2016-09-25 [Artsy]: Means we need to catch up is all I think. I'm really sorry I've been slow with Haidee. I don't have a great grip on her yet, she's too much in her own head... Or... Out of it maybe? She's selfless so I can't put too much what she's thinking because she's usually pretty open about that, but she's not very talkative so then she doesn''t say much either... Too reserved to act on feelings... Leaves her a very.... Placid character....

2016-09-26 [Synirria]: Just means to try and catch up soon

2016-12-16 [Artsy]: so... new day? or archer post linking to the massage page?

2016-12-16 [Synirria]: I don't know that he was going to post but as soon as my niece gets here to take her baby I'll clear the pages. We had a really hard hard day here

2016-12-16 [Artsy]: Aw, is everything ok now?

2016-12-16 [Synirria]: If watching your mom being wheeled off in an ambulance at 7:30 in the morning is ok... it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to watch. Sitting back and watching her die is the hardest thing I've had to watch...

2016-12-16 [Synirria]: She's home now and doing better though. I just have a migraine

2016-12-16 [Artsy]: Oh.. my god Michelle.. I'm so sorry...

2016-12-17 [Synirria]: I try not to talk about it much but it's just getting harder as times goes on..

2016-12-17 [ancienteye]: If you need to talk about it, you can. I'm pretty sure none of us would judge you for it.

2016-12-17 [Synirria]: Oh I know. I've just never been an very open person. Ask cat... it took me... 7 years to tell her something best friends should be able to tell each other and we talk about everything... literally... lol

2016-12-17 [ancienteye]: Ah. Ok, then.

2016-12-19 [Synirria]: SOMEONE Please... remind me tonight to clear all the pages so we can PLEASE move to the next day... *Runs hands through hair* Please... lol

2016-12-19 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: *thumbs up*

2016-12-20 [Asdroth]: reminder. you need to clear the pages so we may move the time table forward.

2016-12-20 [Synirria]: Ah Damnit... *sighs*

2016-12-20 [Eyelash-Wishes]: If you need any help to clear the pages, just let me know :)

2016-12-20 [Synirria]: Awesome, [Eyelash-Wishes], thanks for the offer, I'll keep that in mind for the future... though I may forget lol

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: Current character schedule for the in-RP day:

           Tilly will go to Risk's office in the afternoon.

           Nathan will go to Emily and Sabastion's house in the evening.

           Nathan might go to Jade's house at some point before the afternoon (may end up happening the next day, instead, if the flow doesn't fit).

Cash is busy(?) and Hroda's...somewhere? Where are all of the teens, anyways?

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Im not quite sure how to bring Cayson in yet... I was thinking of having him brought in with a bang!

2017-01-21 [~Valkyrie~]: I've been neglecting Val

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Alright, I'm starting a Vlog(video blog) for riding motorcycles and stuff like that and I need a name! HELP!!!!!

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: Ugh. Naming stuff...

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: By "stuff like that", do you mean working on/customizing bikes?

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Nope I mean riding

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Oh... I see what you mean and yes... sorry lol

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Its been a realllllllllllly loooooong day

2017-01-21 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD Sorry about that... You ok?

Oilspot? *has actually been considering this a lot for the past fifteen minutes despite the cr*ppy name*

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Oh yeah, we just went to an Auto Show and saw drifting and then went to several stores and did a lot of driving... just a long day lol tired...

It's cleaver but *shakes head* I don't think so lol

2017-01-21 [Painted Autumn]: Just call it "Clutch". It's a double entendre. It's a driving thing (I think) and to 'grab/hold', such as the attention of the viewer.

2017-01-21 [~Valkyrie~]: The clutch is what you press before you shift gears. So yes, it's a driving thing... Not a bad idea either.

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Eh... It's a neat idea... my only concern is 1. it's probably already taken and 2. I don't want to run into any copy write issues and I'm not sure how that would fall and that didn't really... spark me...

Some of the guys I follow there names are... 'chaseon2wheels' or 'YummiR6' R6 being his bike or 'YamiNoob' Clutch is just a word... [ancienteye] had the right idea with 'Oilspot' because it wasn't just one word... but it needs... something... I've just never been good at naming things...

My friend Jessi said I needed to figure out what I liked most about cars and bikes and go from there and I did I think... I like the beauty of it all... cars are beautiful... bikes have a beauty behind them... at least to me they do. So If I could tie that in there somehow... I think it could work.

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Hmmm... I could do something like 'ClutchingBeauty' or is that dumb?

2017-01-21 [Painted Autumn]: Bike Beauty. The logo is like the mustang racing logo, but a black bike instead of a stallion. (It's a play on Black Beauty, the novel.)

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Then I was watching YummiR6 today and he suggested the name revolve around you... like Chase... his name is chase... or jakethesnake...his name is Jake... but my name you can't really do that with... Michelle... it's... dumb :P lol

2017-01-21 [Mortified Penguin]: Ma belle, sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble. TRÈS BIEN ENSEMBLE.

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: *Raises an eyebrow*

2017-01-21 [Mortified Penguin]: But is the vlog nothing but just riding? Is there any actual commentary on the motorcycle you're on?

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Oh yeah, there's a mic and ton's of talking. Especially on the ones we watch. You answer questions and talk just about constantly.

2017-01-21 [Mortified Penguin]: Use Top Gear/Grand Tour as a reference on how to make a good automotive video.

2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Why?

2017-01-21 [Mortified Penguin]: Because it's the most-watched factual show in the world* and is somewhat relevant to your vlog.


2017-01-21 [Synirria]: Oh! Duh... Top Gear *Shakes head* Lol I've watched the American version lol it's not exactly the same thing as what I'm wanting to do but I see what you mean.

2017-01-23 [Synirria]: So this is what I've narrowed it down too lol


Most people I've asked like the last one, plus it has meaning behind it... annnnnnnnd I'm short :P

2017-01-23 [Artsy]: What's Kawi?

2017-01-23 [~Valkyrie~]: I assume it's short for Kawisake, though it sounds close to the Japanese word for cute, not sure if that was intentional.

2017-01-23 [Synirria]: Short for Kawasaki which is the bike I have. It's what a lot of people shorten it to... like they're called Kawi girls.

2017-01-23 [Artsy]: Oh like "Cali" but "Kawi" I get it... The japanese word for cute would be 'kawaii' that's why I wondered if it was a misspell...

2017-01-23 [Synirria]: Nope. Not misspelled ;-)

2017-01-31 [Kbird]: I live! I swear I'm not dead, and I have been meaning to get on. >.<

2017-01-31 [Synirria]: Lol Well that's good to know that you're still alive :)

2017-01-31 [Kbird]: It is a very good. I think I'd be sad if I wasn't.

2017-02-01 [Mortified Penguin]: ...but what about KickinKawaiiKawi? Or KKK for short.

2017-02-02 [Synirria]: You little shit disturber lol

2017-02-03 [Synirria]: Just as a warning to everyone... I'm going to keep playing as much as I can, if you can message me or text me when its my turn, that would be a lot of help. But as of right now we think it's coming to the end for my mom so I'm going to spend as much time with her as possible and the next few weeks are going to be really tough on me so if you could please be patient, I'd much appreciate it.

2017-02-03 [ancienteye]: Do whatever you need to do, Celtore. We understand.

2017-02-03 [Painted Autumn]: We don't mind waiting, even if it takes years. Take all the time you need.

2017-02-28 [~Valkyrie~]: Any takers to hang out with Adela?

2017-02-28 [ancienteye]: Nathan's busy, Cash's busy, Hroda's underage and...I don't think Tilly actually knows Adela?

2017-02-28 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Madison is busy, Lena's busy, Ate's with Teos and Luke is asleep at Jade's. If you really want someone to hang out with her I can edit my post and send Luke out, though I'm not sure they've ever met..

2017-02-28 [ancienteye]: Ooh! Ooh! Hroda's mom is an alcoholic if you still want Adela to go to a bar! ...but...I'm not sure how to work with that. >.>

2017-02-28 [~Valkyrie~]: I guess if he went into a bar lookimg for his mother she would feel obligated to remove the minor from said bar and they could end up talking.

2017-02-28 [ancienteye]: That might work. :o

2017-03-05 [Synirria]: Who all are we waiting on?

2017-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Artsy and Asdroth I believe. Ates waiting for a reply from Teos and Jade's waiting on a reply from Archer

2017-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: If anyone has any free characters and wants to RP, Madison is free at the moment :)

2017-03-05 [ancienteye]: Shouldn't Madison call and let Risk know she's not going on the yacht?

2017-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: She'll do it eventually lol

2017-03-05 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: She's not going on the yacht?? Oh no, risk will be so sad!

2017-03-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: Lol She probably wouldn't go because of what happened to Jace. I might have her stop by Risks so she can confront him as Jace has told her why he hates Risk

2017-03-06 [The Black Cat in Your Path]: Oooh, that'll be good.

2017-03-06 [Synirria]: *Massages temples* I will try and get them both to post... try being the key word :P

I'm glad we're all keeping up on whats going on in the rp though... I know with so many pages its hard to do... especially for me lol

2017-05-07 [Painted Autumn]: Celtore said she'll clear the pages and start a new day once she'd finished with her ride.

2017-05-08 [Synirria]: Sorry day got busy. Went for a ride then got my hair cut and dyed. Just been busy. I'll clear pages now.

2017-07-12 [Kbird]: Hey, I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience but I have no clue how active I will be on here, It's already been like 5 months since I was last on. So You can get raid of my character or take it over...whatever you think is best. >.<

2017-08-06 [Synirria]: Nothing was changed on any of the pages. I just switched it from 'only forum members' can post to 'members can post' since the forums no longer work and the ??? bugged me

2017-08-06 [Painted Autumn]: Can you change the time of day?

2017-08-06 [Synirria]: Oh yeah, I meant to do that earlier but forgot

2017-08-07 [ancienteye]: Oh, that's what happened. XD

2017-08-24 [Synirria]: Just a heads up to everyone. Next week from the 31st to the 4th I will be in Tennessee with my mother in law and sister's in law for a girls weekend away. I HIGHLY doubt any of them are going to let me sit on my phone we'll be having too much fun around Gatlinburg.

2017-08-24 [ancienteye]: Cool! Have fun! :D

2017-08-24 [Synirria]: Thanks, we're hoping the Prima Donna of the family doesn't ruin it for all of us lol... this is supposed to be a relaxing trip away.

2020-08-25 [Painted Autumn]: ... I miss this. I'm gonna reread stuff!

2021-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i have a compy again and a stable schedule thats going nowhere so id be down for a restart

2021-01-16 [Painted Autumn]: Unfortunately Synirria never gets on anymore.

2021-04-27 [ancienteye]: I love rereading this RP...

2021-04-27 [Painted Autumn]: ANCIENT! I’VE MISSED YOU!!!

2021-04-27 [ancienteye]: I'VE MISSED YOU, TOO!

Everything here just...slowed down and one day I stopped checking in.

2021-04-27 [Painted Autumn]: I was so worried about you! You and Eyelash! (Who I still can’t contact...) I miss playing with you so much...

2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I'M ALIVE! I SWEAR! Honestly, I haven't really written anything narrative for a while aside from scraps of ideas here and there. I actually got around to trying my hand at fanfiction a while after falling out of the habit of checking Elftown...but fanfiction, like novels and webcomics, kind of require plot. So I fell into writer's block and learned the wonders of video games.

2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I feel like I'm learning pop culture out of order. I just learned this past year what game series the Fem!ShepXGarrus ship that I've seen referenced all over the internet for years actually comes from.

2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: I feel like I’m just living through the discoveries again. I’ve binged watched every long standing tv show I could...

2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I haven't even gotten to TV shows. I have four different streaming services (two are bundled together and one is horror-exclusive) and I've barely even dipped into them because YouTube and Steam games keep pulling me under, instead.

2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: I really should watch more YouTubers... I have... ah... 8? Streaming services? Plus Sling so lots of TV on demand. More content than I could ever watch...

2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD

If you love the horror genre, I recommend watching "3 games 1 video" letsplays. Both Markiplier and Jacksepticeye do them, and I wouldn't be surprised if other people do, too.

But if you want to watch a bibliophile slowly drive himself insane reading the most abhorrently written literature in modernity, I suggest KrimsonRogue's channel. He's done all of the Onision books and a multi-part EPIC of this one book called Empress Theresa that is just so wrong in so many ways you could teach a college course on what not to write based on this one book.

2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: Ah... maybe I’ll check out the former but maybe not the latter. I try to minimize further emotional trauma. Lol

2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: XD Fair enough.

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